Community Resources

211 Life Line
Provides information and referral for human services and crisis/ suicide prevention services.

Community Calendar
The Interlaken Public Library maintains a Community Calendar for activities happening in the Towns of Covert, Ovid, Lodi, Ulysses and surrounding areas. Members of the public are encouraged to submit events!

Seneca County Soil and Water Conservation District
On 1/17/24, the Lodi Floodwater Committee of the Lodi Climate Smart Community (CSC) Team hosted an educational event to share information about Best Management Practices (BMPs) that you can use on your property to address flood mitigation, what resources are available to help with adapting/preventing future flooding, and more. Presenters included representatives from Cornell Cooperative Extension, USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA-Farm Services Agency and Seneca County Soil & Water. To view the presentation slides, please visit Seneca County's Soil & Water website.

Cornell Cooperative Extension
Seneca County Cornell Cooperative Extension serves residents by putting to practical use the scholarship and research of Cornell University and the national land grant system in the areas of agriculture and food systems sustainability; nutrition, food safety and security, and obesity prevention; 4-H youth development, and children, youth , and families; environment and natural resources, sustainable energy and climate change; and community and economic vitality..

Seneca Lake Scenic Byway
The Seneca Lake Scenic Byway is a 19-mile corridor with many stories to tell. It runs along the southeast border of Seneca Lake following New York State Route 414 from the base of Seneca Lake just north of Watkins Glen to Lodi Point State Marine Park in Lodi.
Search this site for your next adventure!

Town and Village of Lodi
Welcome to the Town and Village of Lodi!
We are located in the southwestern part of Seneca County, on the shores of Seneca Lake.

Lodi Food Pantry: LodiFood4All
Lodi's Food Pantry is open every Saturday from 12-2:30. Beginning in September 2022, the Pantry will be located at the Lodi Rod and Gun Club at 9382 Lodi Center Rd.
The Food Pantry is open to all regardless of income or town of residence.
Lodi Community Garden
A community garden in Lodi, NY designed to provide growing space, share information, and inspire creativity.

Lodi Historical Society
The Lodi Historical Society was founded in 1973 after the merger of the Lodi Methodist Church with the Lodi Presbyterian Church. Ownership was transferred to the LHS for a nominal fee, and members of the fledgling organization spent most of the early days repairing the building and restoring the 1852 tracker organ, one of only three pre-Civil War organs in New York State.
Today, the Lodi Historical Society is home to concerts throughout the Summer and Fall.

South Seneca Central School District
The South Seneca Central School District serves residents in Ovid, Interlaken, Sheldrake, Lodi, Willard, and parts of the towns of Romulus and Hector.
The Elementary School is located in Interlaken and the Middle/High schools are in Ovid.

Seneca County
Seneca County is located between Cayuga and Seneca Lakes in the Finger Lakes region of New York. The area covered by Seneca County straddles the territories of both Seneca and Cayuga Nations of the Haudenosaunee. The Finger Lakes National Forest is located in the southern part of the County.
STEPS: Lodi Community Book Box
STEPS ( Seneca Towns Engaging People for Solutions)
encourages and supports community members from the Towns of Romulus, Ovid, Lodi and Covert in southern Seneca County to work together to improve
community health.
The Lodi Library provides free books to the community through the Book Box which is located next to the Post Office. Visit anytime!
Backbone Ridge History Group
The Backbone Ridge History Group of Schuyler, Seneca and Tompkins Counties is a grass roots organization that formed to collect the history of the land and people between Seneca and Cayuga lakes, in and around the area now known as the Finger Lakes National Forest.

BRHG's Interactive Military Lot Mapping Project
The project has been launched! Click here to see the interactive map! The New Military Tract is a group of 28 towns in central New York State that were laid out and then surveyed into one-hundred 600-acre lots
from 1789-91.
This interactive map, allows you to follow the original survey lot lines of Ovid and Hector, the towns encompassing the Backbone Ridge, located between Seneca and Cayuga Lakes. Eventually you will have access to views of the original manuscript, the transcription of each page and other information.

United Way of Seneca County
The Lodi Whittier Library is proud to partner with the United Way of Seneca County. UWSC brings together the caring, compassionate power of Seneca County to tackle some of our greatest challenges together because no single person or organization can do it alone.

Literacy Volunteers of Seneca County
Literacy Volunteers of Seneca County is a non-profit organization that offers one-to-one tutoring at no cost to adults seeking help to improve reading, writing or English language skills.

Pickin' in the Pasture: World-Class Bluegrass & Real Country Music
Come to Pickin’ In The Pasture and experience four days of world-class bluegrass and real country music. The festival is held on the working sheep farm of Andy, Susan, and Jesse Alexander right here in Lodi, NY!
Finger Lakes Library System: Seneca County
The Finger Lakes Library System is a cooperative library system, chartered in 1958 by New York State, to serve the public libraries in Cayuga, Cortland, Seneca, Tioga, and Tompkins Counties. There are currently 33 Libraries in the System.
Seneca County hosts five independent libraries.

Lodi Whittier Library

Interlaken Public Library

Edith B. Ford Memorial Library in Ovid

Waterloo Library & Historical Society